B.R.T. 16.06 - Tears in a Stream.


 A note of regret, and then the voice was gone.  Gone, warmth
 instantly vanished into the chilly air as it streamed upwards, blasting
 mingled tears and blood from ruined eyes.

 Gone - and terribly silent. He had been so close. She should have
 felt his breath as it whispered in her ear...he should have reached
 out, taken her hand, held her hands again, her hands that felt so 
 heavy, so strangely cold, so strangely cold and...

 Wet! Cold, wet, sudden, painful, shock! No wind...not blood...water.
 A hard landing, a landing in shallow water.   Dark, unseen, but it
 was the ground.  Tsugaru collapsed to her knees, searching for
 sounds, searching for bearings.  She was blind now...but alive,
 whatever that meant here.  But blindness would not matter for a 
 while, if she could hear...if she could find...if she could feel...
 Again she cried out his name...

 The only response was the drop, drop, dropping,
 into the cold, dark water...


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